Smile Care: Test Your Knowledge Here

You deserve a top-notch oral health and smile. In order to achieve those goals, you need to know how to properly clean and care for your teeth and gums. So, our dentist, Dr. Joshua Burton, encourages you to test your smile care knowledge to see what you know. The more you know, the better! We hope you learn something new... read more »

Understanding Tooth Decay

Did you know that one of the biggest risks to your smile exists in the form of tooth decay? Tooth decay can occur at any time in your life and is extremely common, even in children. Because tooth decay leads to the destruction of your tooth enamel, if you notice any signs of it developing, it will need be eradicated... read more »

Dental Checkup Basics

If you haven't been to the dentist office in a while, here is what typically happens at your bi-annual checkup. Hopefully, it will convince you that it's time to come in. Once you've checked-in with our helpful receptionist, you'll be escorted to a comfortable dental chair by our wonderful hygienist or dental assistant. They are both well trained to perform... read more »

Dentistry in Motion: Halitosis Treatment & Prevention

Are you aware of underlying symptoms that are known causes and risk factors for halitosis? Halitosis, also known as bad breath, is an oral health condition in which bacteria in your mouth continually produce bad breath. If your mouth continues to produce bacteria, you’ll be at risk for several oral health ailments due to plaque build-up. Always make sure that... read more »

Oral Health Advisory: Dental Floss

Are you looking to dramatically enhance your oral health with a highly effective product that can clean between your teeth? Ideally, you should be brushing your teeth twice every day. Furthermore, you should be implementing effective interdental care by cleaning between your teeth once a day. This can be accomplished with an interdental cleaning tool such as a water flosser... read more »

How to Help Dry Mouth

Do you suffer from dry mouth? If so, you likely feel a dry, cottony feeling in your mouth on a constant basis. This can be quite inconvenient and troublesome, especially when you feel like you just can’t quite quench your thirst. Fortunately, there are things you can do to help your dry mouth. Our dentist, Dr. Joshua Burton is happy... read more »

Talk to Your Dentist About Dental Anxiety Treatments

  Are you suffering from any of the commonly known symptoms and causes of dental anxiety? If you are, you are not alone. This is because many individuals suffer from dental anxiety and are overcome with fears and worries associated with visiting their dentist, going to the dentist office, or receiving oral health care treatments. Due to the fact this... read more »

Four Easy Ways to Improve Your Smile for the Holidays

To help you prepare your smile for the busy autumn activities and socializing, our Burton Dental Care team in Marietta, Georgia, would like to share four easy ways you can improve your oral health and smile with confidence. Let's take a look!   #1-Brush: A beautiful smile starts with a healthy smile. Brushing is your number one way to maintain... read more »

What to Expect with a Tooth Extraction

As dental medicine has improved over the years, dentists have found new and better ways to enhance your smile and to keep your teeth healthy. But there are still occasions in which it may be necessary to extract a tooth. Not all of those reasons are because of trauma or damage. If you need braces or are planning for another... read more »